To say we are blessed by the people in our lives is an understatement. We have always known what incredible friends and family we have and finding out the news about the babies has made that ever more clear. Back in December, Holly Furtick preached a sermon entitled The Foundation for Favor in which she discusses how real favor is built on a strong foundation that includes the people you surround yourself with. This got me reflecting on the people in our lives. From parents uprooting their lives, family and friends going out of their way to be generous with their time, giving, and kindness, prayer warriors from all around the world, fellow infertility queens and multiple moms reaching out and sharing their stories, and a medical team so welcoming and invested in our journey, I would like to say we have built our lives on one strong foundation! So this post is to honor all of you. We would not be where we are without you!
As most of you know, my parents were in the room when we found out we were having quadruplets. While we all left that appointment in shock and amazement, my mom and dad quickly began to think about next steps for our family. I naively believed we could go back to our life in San Antonio and somehow make it all work. I (very irrationally) thought to myself that I would just continue working remotely and going to school until the babies came, take a couple months off, fly grandparents down to help out before hiring some help and getting back to business. What a ridiculous notion that was! My mom and dad intervened before I became too set on this path and offered for Carl and I to come stay with them while we settle into being parents for the first time. Since that initial conversation, they have put their lives on hold to help us out. They flew down to San Antonio to help us finish last minute projects on the house before driving me and our 2 cats up to Montana (this adventure will be shared in a later blog post). In a matter of weeks, their quiet house went from 2 to 5 (cats + me) to 7 (Carl + Tana) on our way to 11 (all those precious littles). They’ve acted as chauffeurs to appointments, personal chefs, and cheerleaders on our tough days. After being admitted to the hospital at the beginning of February, they have been by every day to keep me company, bring me food, and just sit with me. I cannot imagine going through this without them by our sides and we are forever grateful for this time we get to spend with them.

Another major shout out goes out to my father-in-law Carter, who flew down to San Antonio to help Carl pack up our home and get everything up to Montana. After my parents and I had made it home, Carl was left with the gigantic task of selling our home, making last minute modifications and updates, dealing with inspection and the historic district, getting the house packed up and moved, and working full time. We were so thankful Carter came down to help ease some of that burden! With the help of our good friends and neighbors Jordan, Jenn, and Andy, the guys were able to get packed up and on the road. After 3 long days of driving, with little rest and battling some horrible road conditions, they thankfully made it safe and sound. I will be forever grateful for Carter’s help throughout this process. It gave me such a sense of peace to know that Carl was not alone and had his Dad by his side.

I could go on and on about all of the amazing people God has brought into our lives, but I will wrap this up by just name dropping a few. To Oma Rita, thank you for your endless generosity, love, and daily check ins. To Gail, Kara, Mary and countless more, thank you for being so faithful and for putting out prayer requests on our behalf. To all of our aunts, uncles, and cousins, thank you for your continued support and love throughout this process. It has meant the absolute world to have you be a part of this and we can’t wait for our 4 little Meyers to meet you. To my brothers Luke and Cole, thank you for letting me call you crying on tough days. Your love and endless faith have been an inspiration and I appreciate you always being there for me. To Auntie Jordan, thank you for always rooting for us and for offering advice, love, and even baby milk! To all of our friends that have reached out, listened, prayed, donated clothing, money, baby items and just been there for us, you are the absolute best. To our neighbors Jordan, Jenn, Diane, Jesse and Laura, thank you for helping us fall in love with our neighborhood and with yall. You were a big part of what made our house a home and can’t wait for you to come visit someday soon. To the Sypesteyns and Frankie, thank you for your endless love, guidance, kindness, and support. You have truly become family and we love you! To the incredible medical team that has been with us day in and day out monitoring myself and the babies, you are absolute rock stars. And to all of you reading and following our journey, thank you! We have received so many inspiring and kind messages of support and we are grateful for each of you.
I love you Brit! Always praying for and cheering you and Carl on ♡